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 Mark Slaughter -

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Messages : 5254
Date d'inscription : 20/05/2012
Localisation : saint céré

Mark Slaughter - Empty
MessageSujet: Mark Slaughter -   Mark Slaughter - Icon_minitimeLun 28 Oct - 17:44

Mark Slaughter - "SLAUGHTER Don’t Feel Like We Have To Make A Record To Justify Our Existence"

Legendary Rock Interviews' John Parks has issued a new interview with SLAUGHTER frontman Mark Slaughter. An excerpt follows:

Mark Slaughter - P187vrvmajde8t8vv3simj17ue4

Q: It’s been 14 years since the release of your last album and I know you and Dana (Strum, bass) are always making good business decisions. Some people would consider not releasing a new album a good decision in this day and age, others would disagree. Obviously you guys have plenty of ideas that have stacked up in that kind of time... What’s your take on that?

A: "Oh I have a lot of stuff recorded, even on my own. The thing is, when it’s time to release something it should be good and it should be of what the brand represents. Also, you know, the record labels that are out there now, I don’t think that they can all do the same job equally as well as the next one. Its one of those things where if you put something out and it ships “cardboard” or doesn’t sell what someone decides it should then the promoters can give you less than what you’re worth because they think 'Oh, you should sell this to equal X amount of money'. It’s kinda one of those things where it’s like, 'Well, you know what? We don’t NEED to make a record we have enough hits in our catalog to justify who we are'. Artistically, yeah it drives me nuts because I am a creative guy and I love to do the studio stuff but at the same time I am working with a lot of new artists, making music for television and other things that keep me quite busy to the point where I can still be creative but it’s not necessarily focused on Slaughter."

Q: Having said that, you’re not opposed to making another Slaughter record?

A: "Not at all but again, we really don’t feel like we have to make a record to justify our existence. When we do, it will be right and it will be equal sonically to what we’ve already done and better... it will be phenomenal but we’re not just gonna throw something out there because we’re bored or because we wanna get a few quick thousands, whether it’s 3 thousand or 15 thousand or some stupid amount of money. That’s not what it’s about."

Read the full interview at this location.
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