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 "No New" MÖTLEY CRÜE Album Says Vince Neil ..

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Messages : 5254
Date d'inscription : 20/05/2012
Localisation : saint céré

"No New" MÖTLEY CRÜE Album Says Vince Neil .. Empty
MessageSujet: "No New" MÖTLEY CRÜE Album Says Vince Neil ..   "No New" MÖTLEY CRÜE Album Says Vince Neil .. Icon_minitimeMar 5 Fév - 20:02

"No New" MÖTLEY CRÜE Album Says Vince Neil

Music News Nashville's Anne Erickson has issued a new interview with
MÖTLEY CRÜE frontman VINCE NEIL, in which he discusses his background
playing guitar, writing Mötley Crüe hits and his Las Vegas tattoo
parlor. A couple of excerpts follow:

"No New" MÖTLEY CRÜE Album Says Vince Neil .. P17ilsoi6t5nd1ecc14hqdaelv54

Q: Have any of Mötley Crüe’s hits been especially difficult to write?

A: "There aren’t really any hard songs to write. It’s usually pretty
easy, if it gets hard, it gets shuffled away and something else comes
up, or it becomes something you can go back to it and use other parts
with it to make it work better. Most of the hit songs have been easy to
write, though!"

Q: How do you go about writing music with the Crüe?

A: "It starts out with a guitar riff, and then we put it together
with the other instruments and put a melody to it. After the melody and
song structure are finished, we edit different parts in and out, and
eventually, it all combines to become a song."

Q: Is there talk of a new Mötley Crüe album?

A: "No - no new album. What I’m hearing is that maybe two or three
or four more songs might come out to go with that song we released this
year, but it will be something like an EP, not an album. Our schedule
seems to have a lot of touring. If something did come out in the form of
an EP, it would probably be in the beginning of 2014."

Read more at this location.

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